Tuesday, March 26, 2013

"Have you ever felt like it's your last day on earth.."

Have you ever felt like it's your last day on earth,
With all the people you love?

And everything will be gone in a few minutes,
And finally people will see the scars on your arms of your old cuts.

They'll listen to your screams and see your pain,
But still call you names.

Just one bolt from the blue to knock you down,
And they won't ever see you or your unpleasing frown.

It will be too late,
They will still hate.

It will be your end,
With your own hand.

You will stop seeing,
You will stop feeling.

You will stop listening,
You will stop breathing.

You will do it all, just to end the pain.
And people'd think you couldn't walk a mile in the rain.

You will leave everyone behind to miss your absence,
And regret for not understanding your silence.

How scary is that thought?
How messed up is your life?

Try to pour out all your feelings and thoughts on a piece of paper,
And finally apologize for doing it, in that one letter.

1 comment:

Aurindam said...

This is a pocket patakha I didn't see before!

Glad to have met you! =)